Dr. Lucky Meisenheimer hosted an annual sunrise Easter service at his house, then the guests jumped into the lake afterward.
More than 150 people attended a sermon on a lawn, before jumping into Lake Cane. Families and swimmers attended the sermon, which was led by Southwest Church Pastor Tom Welch. The families and swimmers attended the sermon at sunrise and after swimming in the lake, there was a breakfast provided by Dr. Lucky Meisenheimer.

This is an annual event that has taken place the last three years. Many who attended were returnees from the previous years, but there were also a lot of first timers. Some swimmers donated money to the oldest swimmer who is 82 years old and suffering from pancreatic cancer.

I thought this was a great article and a really cool way to spend Easter. I have heard of people doing spirtual swims on Easter, but I haven't heard of a group of people attending a sermon beforehand.
The Orlando Sentinel also features a blog on their website that discusses religion. It is entitled the The Religion World, which features different religious aspects from all around the Orlando area. There is only one reporter who writes for the blog, but he provides insight for all different religions. There is also a list of religions on the right side of the blog that take you to different religious blogs.

I was surprised to find all the religious related articles that I found on the Orlando Sentinel. The main story on the homepage was of course basketball related, about how the Gators lost to Michigan and did not advance to the Final Four. Overall I was pleasantly surprised with the Orlando Sentinel's coverage of religion and faith.

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